10. Love is………….conforming your thoughts to God’s thoughts………Psalms 119:112-113

  1. Love is………….conforming your thoughts to God’s thoughts………Psalms 119:112-113


I have inclined mine heart to perform thy statutes alway, even unto the end. I hate vain thoughts: but thy law do I love.


Thought for the week: When sinful thoughts enter your mind, how do you feel….do you hate them. If you don’t, then maybe you should consider developing a love for apply the word of God to your life. The more you love God’s word, the more you’ll hate sinful thoughts. This week look for scriptures dealing with your specific sin issues, and then ask God to help you apply them to your life. When you do this you are falling in Love with God and beginning the break-up process with sin. People will begin to see God’s love flowing through you and may even ask for you to help them end their relationship with sin!