Sermons From Pastor Parris

Words of Wisdom

Podcasts available on iTunes

Words of Wisdom

Words of Wisdom are a collection of messages taught by Parris Patrick, Pastor at The AGAPE Community Bible Church in Houston, TX. These messages are meant to teach believers how to apply God’s Word to everyday life and to present our bodies a living sacrifice which is our reasonable service to God (Romans 12:1-2). Part of being a living sacrifice is doing God’s Word. According to James 1:22-25, we should not only be hearers of the Word but doers of the Word as well. When we are doers of the Word we are not only reflecting the light of God in the world, but we ourselves will be blessed in our deeds.

We truly pray that you are blessed by these messages.

  • You can listen by subscribing to the free Words of Wisdom i-Tunes Podcast by clicking HERE.


  • *If you do not have i-Tunes you can listen from the alternate site by clicking HERE.